Clamping plate workpiece without bores material aluminium for timing belt AT5 plate dimension: length 176,8mm x width 70mm

Material: Aluminium similar EN AW2017A.

The fixing plates are used to connect the belt ends. Only for reversible use between the pulleys. The plates must not run on the pulleys. See mounting examples on the pdfcatalogue page.

Usage: These clamping plate work pieces are used if the standardclamping plates cannot be used for dimensional reason. The clampingplate work pieces have max. production length and optimized width to bemost flexible for customer rework. We would appreciate to quote suchrework on request with shortest delivery time.

Reworking: The belt should be engaged with minimum 6 teeth.Maintain the dimension R. The mounting holes must be placed beside thebelt, the belt must not be bored.

* Number of complete teeth in the range X x P.

služby: online CAD katalog další informace

Dodávané 3D modely, obrázky a technické výkresy jsou vyrobeny s velikou péčí. Přesto je vyloučena odpovědnost za přesnost a správnost těchto údajů.

součást skupin produktů:

číslo výrobku profil P
X x P X hmotnost
16689901L CAD AT5 5 176,8 70 8 3,4 170 34 250