Svěrné spojky DIN 115 - A, šedá litina, s drážkou, otvor Ø 45 mm

Material: GG25.

Without protective jacket. Up to 50 mm bore the couplings are manufactured according to bore tolerance zone V7. For larger bores the fit is U7. All bores have a feather key grove according to DIN 6885/1. Recommended shaft tolerance: f7. A bearing must be placed right beside both ends of the coupling. Box couplings can be assembled and dismantled in radial direction without moving the shaft in vertical direction. Standard: Form A for shafts of the same diameter. On request: Form B for shafts of different diameters.

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součást skupin produktů:

číslo výrobku točivý moment
šrouby se šestihrannou hlavou DIN 931
d x l
rychlost nmax
60004500 CAD 125 45 120 190 6 M 12 x 50 1350 8,5