Rubber-metal buffer CT diameter 20mm height 15mm thread M6

Material: Metal parts: Steel, zinc-plated. Elastomer: Natural rubber hardness 55° Shore.

Rubber-Metal buffers are simple, reasonably priced standard components used for elastic mounting. When shearing load occurs their load-bearing capacity is considerably lower than with pressure load. This has to be considered when horizontal mass forces or belt traction occur. The grade of rubber used has perfect physical properties. * Fperm. is the permissible static permanent load, which may be overlaid by a dynamic, alternating load. With shearing load please take care that no tension load in the rubber occurs at all during mounting. To achieve a sufficient fatigue strength provide some compressive pre-stressing. The stated permissible loads are only approximate, guideline values for the static load for "medium" rubber hardness. With particularly high, dynamic, alternating loads or high frequencies, the load figures have to be reduced accordingly. Temperature resistant up to 80°C.

služby: online CAD katalog

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součást skupin produktů:

číslo výrobku D
tuhost v tlaku CD průměrně
dovolené zatížení v tlaku Fdovolené*
tuhost střihu CS průměrně
dovolené zatížení v střihu Fdovolené*
68572200 CAD 20 15 M6 6 65 275 10 35 8