Material: Steel.
It is essential to degrease the shaft and hub. There must be little oil only between the two hexagons. The locking assembly must not get in contact with any fixed components. Hold the back hexagon with a slim open-end wrench and tighten the front hexagon with a torque wrench clockwise to the torque TA as per the table.
Hold the back hexagon with a slim open-end wrench and loosen the front hexagon counter-clockwise, until the inner bush moved a few millimeters out of the outer bush.
services: online CAD catalog
The supplied 3D models, pictures and technical drawings are made with reasonable care. Nevertheless liability is excluded for the accuracy and correctness of this data.
found in parts groups:
part number | d [mm] |
D [mm] |
L [mm] |
L 1 [mm] |
B [mm] |
T [Nm] |
Fax [kN] |
Pw [N/mm2] |
PN [N/mm2] |
SW [mm] |
TA [Nm] |
Gewicht [g] |
61550212 | CAD | 12 | 20 | 24 | 12 | 7 | 65 | 10,8 | 207 | 145 | 22 | 44 | 44 |